Cerberus Can Smell The Satyr Sacks

Cerberus Can Smell The Satyr Sacks

I don’t know if you guys have heard of this game, Hades, but its this game that revolved around the son of Hades; Zagreus. The backstory is basically about his pursuit in escaping the Underworld so he could travel to Mount Olympus. Once I saw the Kronos’ Crown from CerberusXing, I knew I had to do a little Cosplay, modern-day version of Zagreus! So I hope guys like it!!!!

hair | Koji by taketomi
crown | Kronos’ Crown by CerberusXing (Saturnalia)
eyes | Willow Eyes by PSYCHO Byts
scars | Scar 3 by avarosa
jacket | Today’s Fleece Blouson by Sallie
pants | Chinos by villena

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